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More Time Slip Accounts
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This is my third post about time slips, after Time Slips and My Time Slip Experiences.
A “time slip” is when a person – or persons – seemingly travel through
time, usually through no actions of their own. I can personally attest
that it’s a real phenomenon (I’ve experienced it). Here are some more
time slip accounts I’ve found.
Experienced by Darren P:
I have had two timeslips,
the first when I was 11 years old. I was looking through my house
window at home hoping to see mum. Instead, there was a man wearing brown
trousers and a white shirt stood at the kitchen sink. Then I noticed
that the kitchen was different very old fashioned with what I now know
as a Belfast sink. I entered the house only to see that the man had
disappeared and the kitchen was back to it’s 1979 norm. As a young boy, I
was convinced this was a ghost.
Fast forward 39 years and I was walking up a street after parking my car
to go buy some lunch and noticed a very old elevator with metal folding
doors in a small factory. I had not even noticed the factory before, so
I walk over to investigate. There was a man operating the elevator
dressed in a brown work coat (similar to you find in old hardware
stores) and a few people already in. The operator said to me “are you
getting in or what?”. I did jump in and the elevator went up a floor and
everyone alighted. The operator then asked me if I was getting off. “No
thanks, I need to go back” I replied and then I alighted back on the
ground floor and made my way to my car. After crossing the road and
opening my car door I turned to look at the factory. It was no longer
there. Instead, there was a row of shops and cafes. This was in broad
daylight during my lunch hour and certainly not a dream. Only then did I
realise that this was similar to the man and the sink when I was a
child. I just cannot stop thinking about it now.
The first incident I recall was in 1975. I was at an old
house in San Antonio. A couple of college friends lived there, but the
house was about to be condemned so they were throwing a huge, boozy
party one last time. Rumor had it that the house had been a bordello,
but college kids and creepy rumors inevitably go together. Anyway, it
was old, creaky, and huge. I went upstairs, and crept down a hallway
with multiple doors on each side. I opened the door, and there was
And I saw two men arguing. I couldn’t understand what they were
saying, but I sensed it was about a woman. Apparently, they could not
see me. Both men were in their late 20s, early 30s. One man was Latino.
The other man had blond hair, and his shirt collar was open and sort of
hanging weird. (I learned later this was probably a detachable collar,
although I’d never heard of such a thing.) The Latino man pulled out a
knife, and suddenly the blond man had a gun in his hand and shot the
other man in the chest. Then, it was night again, and I could hear the
party going on downstairs.
In 1981, I was visiting a friend in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We went
to a bar, located in the basement of an old, historic hotel. (I was not
drinking alcohol.) Suddenly, the bar was gone. I was in a quiet room.
In the room were two tables that looked like hospital exam tables. There
were white sheets on the tables, and the room felt very clinical and
sterile. I don’t recall seeing anyone in there; just the room with two
beds. And then…the bar returned. I asked my friend (I was pretty
excited) what he knew about the history of the place. “Was it ever a
hospital?” I said. But he knew nothing about it. This was in June. I
couldn’t stop thinking about what I saw, so in late October of that year
I wrote out something much like what I’ve just shared, and put it in an
envelope addressed to “Local Historian, c/o Eureka Springs, AK”. I also
enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All small towns had a
“local historian” I figured. I mean what did I have to lose?
A couple of years passed. I moved to another apartment. Then, one
day, my former land lady called me to tell me a letter had arrived at my
old address. (Which in itself was odd, because she had never contacted
me before.) I drove over to pick it up, and I was momentarily confused
when I saw it, because it looked like my own handwriting! Of course, it
was, and I had entirely forgotten that I’d ever sent it. Inside was a
letter from, indeed, the local historian. Somehow, it had made its way
to her. She explained that she had wanted to reply months ago, but the
letter had fallen behind a dresser. She had just found it, and wrote
back immediately. In the letter she said that the basement had served as
a makeshift morgue during the Civil War, and that the room I had been
in had served as the embalming room. She was really excited, and asked
me to come back sometime and tour the town. But I had learned what I
wanted to, and just let it drop.
After that, all sorts of small but odd things happened periodically. I
would see the former occupants of a house, and sometimes even get a
sense of who they were. For example: I would see a young woman who had
lived there, and I would know that she very fond of a young boy. He was
not a relative, but she felt very sisterly towards him. I could see them
clearly (I still remember her cloche hat she wore, and how cute she
Some times I would smell things. One winter, when I lived in
Scotland, my husband and I were driving in a particularly barren area.
We saw an old castle, and a sign that said it was part of the Scottish
trust. When we arrived, it was closed for the winter (this was 1993 or
94), but the caretaker drove up and kindly let us in to look around. I
had been in many, many castles, but this one viscerally creeped me out. I
had to leave one room, and I made my way to the lowest level. I relaxed
once I was down there, because I could smell delicious bread baking. I
did find that odd, but we all love that smell! A while later, the
caretaker and my husband came down there, and I asked why they were
baking bread today. My husband said he didn’t smell anything. The
caretaker just looked bemused, and told us that the area had once been a
kitchen. Nothing had been baked in there for hundreds of years…
The last experience I will share is my most memorable. It happened in
the Valley of the Kings, in Luxor, Egypt. It was 1996, and we were at
the Ramaseum, a wonderful site of toppled statues, ancient ruins, and a
still-functioning nileometer. I walked out onto the excavated foundation
of something, just a scraped-out square of sand surrounded by what
looked like the remains of a low wall. I stood in the center, feeling
the heat of the blazing sun, throat dry and raw from the dust.
Suddenly, I felt cool water trickling over my feet. I actually jumped
from the unexpected feeling. The water level didn’t quite reach my
ankles. Above me were banners of colored cloth, stretched across a
pergola. There were also fluttering flags along the sides of the
structure. The floor was at an incline, and a wide stream of water
flowed from the elevated side down (using an Archimedes screw, although
why would I know that then?) and people were seated in low chairs and
benches, talking and enjoying the feel of the cool water. It was
absolutely the most refreshing thing I have ever felt. Then, it just
went away. I was back in the unshaded sun, and I was actually a little
emotional because the moment was gone.
I did contact a couple of American Egyptologists, hoping to find one
who was familiar with the Ramaseum. No one ever answered me back, so I
just shut down and gave up.
Sometime around 1974, I was driving from Madison,
Wisconsin, to Bayfield, Wisconsin, a distance of something more than 300
miles and a six- or seven-hour drive. As is my habit even today
whenever I can do so, I kept off the primary highways in favor of county
roads. I had made the same trip several times before, and I had a
consistent route: this far north on this road, then west a few miles on that road, the north again on another road, then…. You get the point.
Because I had made the trip before, I knew three
things: which roads I was going to take, how long it would take to get
from one to the other, and the total time for my trip. On this day,
however, my best-laid plan went all catty-wampus. At some time during my
trip I suddenly found I was on a northbound road I had not intended to
take, a road I had never taken and would not have taken under any
circumstances. I also found that I had “lost” something more than an
hour. That is, given the amount of time that had passed, I should have
been an hour farther north than I was.
Sounds almost like an alien abduction, doesn’t it?
But I don’t have any mysterious implants in my body, and I don’t
remember (poor me!) having had a sexual encounter with a comely alien
It does sound a lot like an episode of “highway
hypnosis,” but for several reasons I don’t think it was highway
hypnosis. With highway hypnosis you do lose a sense of time passing, but
in this case the amount of time exceeds typical highway-hypnosis loss
of time; I was not on a road with which I was familiar; I did not
remember driving during that loss of time; during the time lost, I did
not have peripheral knowledge of anything that was going on around me–I was not aware of anything. Furthermore,
when you’re driving the back roads of Wisconsin, you must stay alert
because you never know when you’ll top a rise and be faced with a
slow-moving tractor pulling a manure spreader. If you’re not paying
attention in that situation, you’ll soon literally be in the shit.
From an anonymous poster (if a commenter is to be believed, his name was John Michael):
Just want to tell you what happened to me in 1999.
It was quick but wicked nonetheless…
was propped up with my back against the headboard of my bed. I was
watching a movie waiting for dinner. My wife was sitting at the computer
to the left of the TV, her back to me. My 12 year old son walked in and
stood directly in front of the TV (blocking my view) and proceeded to
ask his mom a question. She turned around for a moment and answered his
question, so he left the room. At the moment he left the room (turned
right and out of sight), he walked back in. I sat there watching the
entire identical thing happen again. Absolutely word for word, motion
for motion. I do remember (purposely) my state of mind at the time. It
was after a long day of work. I was very relaxed and nothing on my mind.
Just chillin and watching an old black and white Western. And BAM!
Crazy time slip.
I knew what had just happened but I couldn’t even tell my wife at that moment. She would have thought I was crazy.
Anyway, it never happened to me again as far as I know. Just thought I’d share.
First of all, I would prefer to stay anonymous. Second of
all, I am not entirely sure if this counts as a time slip or not. I
woke up at 3 in the morning, I simply needed to go to the bathroom. I
went back to bed, and the next time I woke up it was about 1:50 in the
morning. The only thing I can remember unusual is that I woke up saying
something about diesel fuel or something like that.
(Note that several of the commenters had similar experiences.)
From an anonymous person:
1) I returned from a two day trip out of town to find all the
lights in my house were off. This was unusual because I normally leave a
light on for myself, but thinking I must have forgotten this time, I
proceeded to unlock the door and enter my house. I did not notice the
door had been pried open, because the porch light was off and the door
was shut completely. When I got inside and flipped on the light, I
found that my ex-boyfriend from two years prior had broken into my
house. His eyes were glassy and his pupils were tiny where he hid by the
door waiting for me in the dark. He lept up from where he had crouched
by the door when I turned on the light, and nose to nose with me
demanded, “Give me the money that you owe me.” It was clear to me that
he was on drugs. I replied, “I don’t owe you any money! You owe me
money!” He attacked me, first punching me in the mouth, then tackling me
to the ground he began strangling me. He said, “Do you realize that I
could kill you right here and no one would hear your screams?” I was
crying and pleading with him to let me up, I would give him some money.
Suddenly, as I struggled to breath, a feeling of deja vu swept over
me. I could clearly see another reality where he kept me by the throat
and shook me, banging my head into the floor as my body went limp. I
could see that reality as if from above. I was also presented with the
way to prevent it – to fight him. So, I grabbed his testicles in my fist
and twisted them, and bit his thigh hard enough to pull the skin and
draw blood. He begged me to let go of him and fled out the back door,
after which I ran to the neighbor’s house and they called the police.
My strategy in mind up until the deja vu feeling was to plead with him
and appeal to him. In that moment it was shown to me he was drug-crazed
and it did not matter how much money I would have given him. I mention
this incident because, especially due to the strangulation, the
psychological explanation for time slips surely carries a lot of water
for this one. I consider this one a “sideways” time slip. However, I
have several more, two more of which I will describe.
2) I was driving down a steep, mountainous stretch of interstate. I
was happily jamming to my favorite music, the sky was blue and
cloudless, the road stretched long and winding ahead of me. I saw an
older model grey pickup truck speed past me and tear into the guard
rail, hitting it to bounce off and spin back into the road. There was
nothing I could do. I slammed my brakes, but my car t-boned the pickup
truck, and I looked down after the car came to a stop at the deployed
airbag and my seatbelt. I could see blood covering my chest, but I
wasn’t sure where it came from. I wondered if the driver of the pickup
truck was ok, and looked up. I could see through blood in my
eyelashes. I couldn’t see the driver, but I could see the crushed
pickup truck and a small child in a carseat in the extended cab. The
child made direct eye contact with me, and I began to panic that the
child’s parent was seriously hurt, and trying to move out of my seat.
Both vehicles were still in the middle of the road, and I was panicking
and struggling to get to the child because I was afraid someone would
come along and hit us. I never made it out of the car, though. Suddenly,
I was driving down the same stretch of interstate, on the gorgeous
cloudless day, and the song that was playing was one that had been
playing several minutes before the accident. I clearly remembered what
had happened (or would happen?) and I knew that if I switched to the far
left lane, when the truck zipped past me on the right and spun, I would
not hit it. I moved to the far left lane and a few minutes passed
without anything happening, so I chalked it up to me being crazy.
Suddenly, the older model grey truck zipped past and hit the guard rail,
spinning out into the road. In the far left lane, I went past where
the truck spun into the road. I slammed my brakes as I passed and pulled
onto the shoulder. The truck, which had been sideways in the road,
pulled onto the shoulder. The driver was fine, but he was calling the
police since he hit the guardrail. He was on the shoulder, and he and
the child were out of danger, so I continued down the road. Unlike the
first incident I wrote about, when this incident happened there was no
psychological trigger explanation because I was in no immediate danger,
just enjoying a drive on a sunny day. I consider it a forward time
slip and subsequent backwards time slip. However, sometimes the time
slips happen when there is no danger at all, such as my third story.
3) It was another beautiful day and I was on my front porch playing
Canasta on my phone. I was curled up in a wicker chair and pretty
happy to be wasting a little bit of time doing something quick and fun
on my day off. A hand of cards was dealt, and I was playing the hand
when the deja vu feeling came over me. I had already planned how to
meld and which cards to discard when suddenly the cards before me were a
completely different hand. I checked the score and it was much higher,
in my team’s favor. I checked the time on my phone, and it was several
minutes past the time when I was playing the hand I had planned out. I
looked at the chat messages for the game, and there were no chat
messages for that missing time, which was unusual because all the
players had been chatting with each other. I consider it a forward slip,
and thought about asking the other players if they were also missing
several minutes. I decided not to say anything, though, just in case
they might think I was crazy. Our in-game chat conversation continued
as normal with just that unexplained several minute break in the
conversation. Excluding the fact that there were multiple people
involved, this time slip would fit the dementia explanation of losing
time. However, it seems to me that all four of us lost several minutes
as evidenced by the several minute break in conversation in the chat
log, with chat resuming as if no time had been lost.
Thanks to Kahren for these stories, the first two in memory of her parents, Ron and Doris Rising:
Experiences of Ron and Doris:
My mother Doris had several strange experiences. I’m not sure what
order they occurred in, and Mum was born in 1922 so they were all a
long time ago. Both my parents were skeptics, although my father Ron
was always curious about unexplained things. Mum on the other hand,
preferred to ignore things she couldn’t explain. I’m telling you this
as a way to explain that neither of them were the types to imagine
My mother’s ‘displacement’ experience happened as she was traveling
on the top deck of a double-decker bus in London in around the 1950s,
which is where all the experiences happened. (We are Swedish, but lived
in London). As she was sitting there, she became aware of suddenly
being out in the open, and she looked around to see that she was on the
top deck of an 1800s horse-drawn double-decker omnibus. She said she
froze in shock. The streets and everything around her had changed to
what looked like early pre-Victorian times, and everyone was dressed in
long dresses and frock coats. She panicked and tried to speak the the
other women sitting up there with her, but she said they didn’t answer
her and she wasn’t sure if they could see her.
It only lasted a few minutes, and then she was back where she belonged.
She had never heard of anything like that, and in fact none of us had,
until I decided to do a search on it the other night.
Mum was wide awake and alert, and definitely not given to flights
of fancy. She only told a couple of people; naturally Dad was one, and
then me.
Another unsettling experience happened when she was volunteering to
help a friend pack up the friend’s recently deceased aunt’s house. This
experience was one that Dad had told my brother and I about many times,
and we always bugged Mum to recount the story – but she only told us
once. We always called it Mum’s ghost story, but now that I read more
accounts of ‘time slips’ I really think it may have been one of those.
She was in a group of friends and they had been sorting and packing
this lady’s house up to help the family as they were grieving quite
badly. They were in the front rooms (the lounge or parlour) and had had
a morning tea break earlier, when they stopped for lunch. They all
went into the kitchen, which was at the back of the house, and Mum went
back to get her cup and saucer which she had left in the front room. As
she picked it up, an old lady came in and stared at her. Mum assumed
it was another volunteer, so she said hello, and explained that they had
been packing all morning and were having lunch in the kitchen. She
asked the lady to come and join them. The woman didn’t respond, so Mum
went closer and asked if she was alright but the lady still didn’t
respond. She just kept looking at Mum.
Mum excused herself and went back down to the kitchen and told the
others that there was a lady who didn’t look well in the front room. She
explained what had happened, so the group of them all went to see if
they could help the lady, who of course, was not there.
Mum described her, and the lady they were helping left the room and
came back with a photograph of a group of women and asked if the old
lady was one of them. Mum identified the dead aunt. I think this was
the first time she had had one of her experiences.
Now I wonder if she had flipped back to a time when the lady would
have come into the room during her life, and that is why she couldn’t
communicate with Mum, rather than actually being a ghost.
Another experience was brief, Mum was at a party and she went
outside to get some air and saw a man standing under a tree. Thinking
she knew him, she walked to him to greet him, but he disappeared when
she got closer. She ran back inside.
The other experience involved both Mum and Dad. They had gone for a
day trip with a group of friends to visit a stately home in the country
that was open to the public. Dad was a commercial artist, and was
always taking photos for reference for jobs, so he took lots of the home
and the parklands around it. In one of the photos, there was a long
tree-lined driveway that curved off in the distance, so you couldn’t see
the house or any of the buildings. It was autumn, and so there were
leaves all over the ground and it was a beautiful photo. Dad asked
everyone to move out of the shot, so he could just get the driveway and
the trees, but when he developed it, there was a woman in Victorian
dress standing right in the middle of the drive – staring straight into
the camera. Dad printed several copies and took them around to everyone
who had gone with them on the day, and they were all amazed. It became
quite the tale to tell, and to then pull out the photo.
Over time, the woman’s image faded off the photo and I must admit that I
was quite glad it was gone by the time I was born. We still have the
photos taken that day, but they are at my mother’s house… If things get
sorted out and I can get copies of the photo at any time, I will scan it
and email it, although as I said, the woman is no longer there.
These are true accounts of things my mother grudgingly told us, and she
was a very morally upright person who wouldn’t lie even under pressing
Kahren’s own experience:
I have a strange story myself…I was in a very violent relationship
for five years in the early eighties, a few years after my father had
suddenly died. I had been very viciously bashed one night, and the
monster was frightened I might die so he took me to hospital. I had my
face stitched up and my head injuries treated, and the monster brought
me home in the early hours of the morning. When we walked into the
flat, it was full of a thick aromatic fog. I realised straight away
that it was my dad’s pipe tobacco, a very aromatic one called Balkan
Sobranie. The monster ran through the flat opening windows and looking
for the source of the smoke, while I just stood there feeling very weird
and very safe. When the monster came back to where I was standing, I
just looked at him and said, “That’s my dad’s pipe tobacco.” As I said
it, the fog vanished.
He was so freaked out, I didn’t get a beating for about six months. I
can’t explain what happened. I am not really a ‘ghosty story’ person.
The only ones I have ever believed were Mum’s, but that’s because I
never knew her to lie, and she never sensationalised anything.
This is the first time I have told all these accounts, since I told my
children years ago but as I said, I don’t want my parent’s lives to
vanish into nothing.
From Josie (who has experienced several time slips):
This experience happened on 11/20/2014: Josie (yes, again) was at the
Goodwill store with her mom. She was in the checkout line, and the lady
in front of her turned around and asked something about some items with
white tickets. The lady behind Josie answered the question, pointed to
some racks, and the first lady asked if Josie would hold her spot while
she went to those racks to browse some more. Josie agreed.
In the meantime, Josie’s mom joined her in the line. The lady behind
her made a phone call, which suddenly dropped, and both Josie and the
lady had a conversation about the poor reception in the store.
Shortly afterward, the first lady came back and took her place again.
A bit later, she turned around and asked the very same question she had
asked before. Now, because Josie has had this sort of thing happen so
frequently, she tends to “steamroll,” as she calls it, just plow on
through and pretend it’s not happening. So Josie answered the question
that the lady behind her had given earlier, and, again, the lady in
front of her asked if Josie would hold her spot.
Josie agreed, and her Mom walked up again. (I need to get the details
– did her Mom suddenly disappear and Josie didn’t notice or had she
just walked away?)
The lady behind Josie was now freaking out; she had witnessed the
repeated event too. Josie kept trying to calm her down, telling her
everything was OK and it would return to normal now (speaking from
I can’t imagine how the lady must have felt. She must have wondered
if Josie was some otherworldy being who had orchestrated it somehow,
rather than someone who had this sort of thing happen to her so often
she tries to ignore it.
We’re accustomed to time
moving from past to present to future. Yet, is time always linear? Here
are true stories of experiences of time and space anomalies. The
firsthand accounts include time travel, time slips, and encounters with other dimensions. The stories were collected by a well-known writer and expert in paranormal phenomena and edited by Anne Helmenstine.
Baby Monitor Time Warp – Sheri N.
Can a baby monitor transmit sounds from the past?. claudio.arnese / Getty Images
As usual, the long work day was coming to an end and I was dutifully
putting the last load of laundered clothes away in our bedroom when I
heard a ruckus on the baby monitor just a few feet away from me. I
thought it strange when I knew my husband and toddler were both in the
living room quietly watching TV as my two-year-old drifted silently off
to sleep curled in my husband’s lap as he caught the evening news.
The bedroom door was straight in front of me and I could see all the
way down the hall to my husband and son in the Lazyboy chair as this
ruckus over the monitor continued.
It didn’t take long for me to realize the sounds were very familiar.
Earlier in the day, I was in my toddler’s bedroom putting a load of
folded clothes into the drawers and picked up some stray toys and books
that weren’t being played with at the time. As I was doing so, I was
telling my son about the story of “Jack and The Beanstalk” for the first
Now I stood in disbelief as I heard the drawers being pulled open and
shut and rustling of the toys and books being put into their proper
places. But I nearly fainted when I heard my son’s voice over the
monitor! I kept looking back and forth at my husband and now-sleeping
son in the chair in the living room and the monitor sitting on my
dresser that was literally replaying the specific events from earlier in
the day!
The monitor is a standard baby monitor bought from Wal-mart and is
NOT a recorder, but instead monitors the sounds coming from the room as
they are happening at present time only.
I listened as my voice retold the story of “Jack and The Beanstalk”
and listened with familiarity as my son responded in baby-talk to the
tail he had never heard before. The incredible part was this all
happened five hours earlier on the same day!
I quickly called my husband into the room as he listened to the last
part of the story with my voice coming through the monitor and our sons
coos and chuckles. He stood stunned and turned his head and looked at
our sleeping son flopped peacefully over his shoulder. In disbelief, he
asked, “How in the hell…?!” as his voice drifted off trying not to miss a
thing. I just stared at him in the same disbelief and we both just
shook our heads.
This has never happened before or since and became pretty clear from
the beginning that we were listening to some kind of warp in time. I
never imagined in a million years that I would be witness to it and must
admit, if it should happen to you, it is indeed, one of the most
incredible moments one can ever experience!
Dimension Shift in Tacoma – Gary Spring
Gary went to the theater to check the time, but lost time instead. David L. Ryan / Getty Images
I was walking in downtown Tacoma, Washington
one evening around 9:00 o’clock. I was on my way to meet a friend at a
certain intersection. The year was 1976. I was enlisted in the U.S. Army
and was stationed at Fort Lewis.
I remember it was the month of April. As I was walking, I started
wondering what time it was. So I looked around for the nearest store
where I could find out the time. I looked across the street and there
was a walk-in movie theater. I figured that was as good a place as any.
Then the weirdest thing happened. I started to cross the street… and
the next thing I knew my vision was clearing up and I was standing in
front of the ticket counter inside the theater lobby! I had a
ferocious headache and my legs felt very unsteady. I recovered a little,
but that headache was something else. I bowed and started rubbing my
forehead. After a minute or so, I heard a gasp. I looked up and there
was this pretty girl on the other side of the counter with a suprised
look on her face.
She asked me how I got in! With the throbbing pain in my head, I
looked at her and didn’t know how to answer her. I was confused. I
started to walk toward the counter and she backed away. Now she had a
scared look on her face! She asked me again how I got in. I looked up at
the wall behind her. There was a clock hanging there. I started to
mutter, “What time is it?” She then told me I had better leave or she’ll
call the police.
I felt so weird; it’s hard to explain. I felt like I had broken
through into a territory I didn’t recognize. I stood there for a few
minutes. That’s when the girl went into the back room.
I could hear her talking to someone. I turned around and started to
walk toward the entrance. That’s when this big guy came out of the back
room, walked around the counter and before I could say anything, grabbed
me by the arm, pulled me toward the entry way, unlocked the door and
shoved me outside. He told me to get out of there and went back inside. I
still couldn’t figure out what was going on.
I stood there looking around rubbing my head. Then it dawned on me.
The time on the clock read past midnight! I looked back at the theater.
It had the “CLOSED” sign on the front door! The girl and the guy were
still there looking at me. Then the big guy opened the door again and
warned me that if I didn’t leave that instant he was going to kick me in
the butt. So I started to walk away, still confused, and as I was
walking I heard the guy say, “I don’t know how you got inside with the
door being locked, but you better not come back!”
The headache eventually went away and I never did meet my friend.
Future City – Daisy
Rick and Daisy encountered a futuristic city. Colin Anderson / Getty Images
It all began when Rick and I were going to a friend’s house last
September. We were driving Rick’s beat up old truck and the drive went
smoothly for the first 45 minutes.
Suddenly, the truck’s engine died and Rick and I were stranded on a
deserted highway in the middle of the night. We were surrounded on both
sides of the road by cornfields that stretched into the distance. Rick
began a desperate effort to restart the truck and fix the “broken”
engine. He tried to fix the truck in vain, but nothing seemed to work.
Rick finally gave up and we decided to walk to the nearest town about
two miles away to find a payphone to call our friend.
We walked for what seemed like hours and the town was nowhere in
sight. However, just when desperation was about to grip us, we saw a
light, a gloriously bright light, shining over the steep hill ahead of
us. We ran up the steep hill that blocked us from the light and were
flabbergasted by what we saw.
Just over the hill, Rick and I saw what could only be described as a
futuristic city with lights streaming out of every window of the
massive, metallic towers. In the middle of the futuristic city, was a
huge silver dome. I stared at the city, stunned, until Rick elbowed me,
which pulled me out of my trance and he pointed to the sky. Hovering
above the city were hundreds of hovercraft. One flew toward us with
amazing speed. Rick and I were so scared that we took off running back
to the broken down truck.
I never looked back, but I felt someone watching me the whole way.
When we got back to the truck, it started without difficulty and Rick
and I took off as fast as we could in the opposite direction. We never
went back or spoke of it again to this day.
Hospital Space-Time Confusion – Mel H.
Mel visited a hospital in its past state. Hero Images / Getty Images
My husband and l live in the deep woods of east Texas, near a tiny
place called Mt. Sylvan. I had been having some medical tests done at a
hospital nearby.
I went for testing three days in a row, always with the same routine:
I parked in the same small parking lot, walked through the double doors
leading to the first floor cardio testing area, turned right at the
gift shop and signed in at the desk. I always exchanged some casual
conversation with the same young and very pleasant blond receptionist.
There was a small sitting area across from her desk, with a door
leading to the phlebotomy (blood drawing) lab right behind her cubicle.
The door to the lab was always open, though, and the sight of patients
sitting in the exact type of chairs — even the same color — that I saw
my late mother sit in for her chemo treatments was just too gut
wrenching. (She died a year ago.)
I even heard a patient in the lab comment on the new chairs, and a
nurse replied that the hospital’s oncology department had donated them. I
decided to sit across the hall anyway.
Last Friday my husband went back to the hospital with me to hear the
test results. He had never been there before. Usual routine: we parked,
walked in, turned past the gift shop and… there was no check-in area! I
stood and stared in total shock: no desk, no chairs, no blonde
receptionist, and the door to the lab was on another wall! The other
sitting area was just as before.
I started to walk up and down the hall searching for “my” check-in
area, but it was nowhere to be seen. A doctor walked by, noticed my
confusion, and asked what I was looking for. When I told him that the
place I had checked in for my tests was missing, he laughed and said
that it had been moved to the second floor three years earlier because
they needed more space!
He Got There Before He Arrived – Eula White
When the boy opened the gate, the horse and rider vanished. Stu Borland / EyeEm / Getty Images
My mother, Eula White, was born in October, 1912. She grew up in
rural Alabama and Florida in the 1920s. She told a lot of stories of the
people and of the events of those days, most of them of interesting but
ordinary events. But one day she told me a story of an unusual event
that she had directly experienced as a young girl along with about a
dozen other women and children. “I remember this event well even after
all these years,” she said, “precisely because it was so unusual.”
“In those days,” she told me, “rural Alabama was still kind of
backward. Little electricity and horses and wagons the only
transportation for many farm folk. I remember it was a bright summer
day. Early that morning the other women and I had gathered on the front
porch of the Hawkins’ farmhouse to shell quite a few bushels of peas and
beans for preserving and just to talk as we worked. The younger
children were playing in the yard. Mr. Hawkins came out on the porch and
told Mrs. Hawkins that he was going to town on business. Mr. Hawkins
saddled his horse, and as he rode through the big gate directly in front
of the porch, Mrs. Hawkins reminded him to bring home a big sack of
flour. He answered her with a grunt and rode off.
“About mid-afternoon we were still on the porch shelling peas. We
looked up and saw Mr. Hawkins approaching the house. The road leading to
the house came off the main road and was about 300 feet long, and ran
directly up to the porch. So we could see him coming quite clearly.
Thrown across the saddle in front of him was a large white, cloth sack
of flour and cradled in his left arm was a brown bag of other groceries.
We watched as he rode up to the gate, and he stopped there, waiting for
someone to open it. One of the boys ran to the gate and opened it.
Then, in full view of all of us women and children, Mr. Hawkins
vanished. He just disappeared, instantly.
“We sat there for a second or so, just astonished. Then, terrified,
we began screaming. After a few minutes, we calmed down. But were still
shaking and confused. We just didn’t know what to do. So after a while
we went back to shelling peas. But all of us, the children too, huddled
up there on that porch, afraid. Mrs. Hawkins made one the boys close the
“About half hour later, we looked up and again saw Mr. Hawkins riding
toward the house with that same white sack of flour across the saddle
in front of him and that same brown bag of groceries in his left had.
Again he rode up to the gate without a sound and stopped. None of us had
the nerve to open the gate. We were all just too afraid to move. We
just sat there staring at him, waiting to see what would happen next.
Finally, to our relief, Mr. Hawkins spoke: ‘Well, is someone going to
open the gate for me?’
“Mr. Hawkins,” mother said, “got there before he arrived.”
The House That Wasn’t There – Suzan
Suzan wanted to buy a house, but it disappeared. Givenworks / Getty Images
I swear this is a true story. My husband was carting wheat in the
summer of 1994. He was outside Molong in NSW, Australia, and drove past a
“For Sale” sign on a farm gate along with the agents details. Our
12-year-old son was with him. On the return journey, they stopped,
climbed through the fence and walked up the circle-shaped drive to have a
closer look at the old house. He said he could see through the window
and found the old house old and abandoned.
On his return home a few days later, we rang up the agent and asked
for further details about the property, as we were interested in
purchasing it. The agent had no idea what we were talking about and
insisted that he had no properties for sale on that road. A week later,
my husband and I drove to Molong to have a look at the farm ourselves.
We drove up and down the whole road until we were almost to the next
town. All that he could recognize was a water tank on the hill, a creek
and some trees where the house used to be. There was no gate, drive,
real estate sign… or house.
Instant Replay – Ryan Bratton
Ryan saw the girl ride her bike down the hill and then the experience repeated itself. Rafael Ben-Ari / Getty Images
This happened when I was about eight. My friend and I were sitting on
his yard while some kids rode their bikes down a downhill driveway. A
car came down the road and stopped at a house. A kid got out and ran
inside making noises that kids around his age make. Then a girl rode her
bike down the driveway. A couple of minutes after this happened, the same car went down the road, stopped at the house, and the same
kid got out of the car and ran inside screaming the exact things he had
been saying. Then the girl went down the hill on her bike again. I looked over to my friend and he said he had no idea what had just happened.
Lagoon Mystery – Jacob Dedman
Jacob tried to locate the cliff and lagoon, but they were nowhere to be found. Corey Nolen / Getty Images
On a hiking trip when I was 16, I got separated from my group. I
wandered around for hours looking for them. I came to a the edge of a
cliff overlooking a small lagoon. I attempted to yell for help when the
edge I was standing on gave way.
As I started to fall, the thought of my death began flowing through
my mind. Before I reached the halfway point of my fall, I saw a strange
shadow approach me out of the corner of my eye. The form of a
black-haired woman appeared from the shadow dressed in what appeared to
be animal hides. Her eyes were what I noticed most, though. One a
silvery blue, the other a glowing green.
She grabbed hold of me in her small but strong arms and our fall
began to seemingly slow. We landed softly, almost like a feather, next
to the small lagoon. I asked her if she was an angel. She smiled at me
and said no. All she told me was that this place belonged to her, then
turned and walked into the shadows of the forest and disappeared.
I shortly met up with my group and told them what had happened. They
laughed at me and said no place like the lagoon was around here. We went
home. I returned the next weekend determined to find her. I retraced
all of my steps. But the lagoon and the cliff were gone.
The Disappearing Boarding House – Richard P.
After Valentine moved out of the boarding house, the building and landlady disappeared. vandervelden / Getty Images
This is a story of my mother’s experience that took place near her home in Jersey City, New Jersey during the mid 1930s.
My great-grandfather Valentine was living in a boarding house a few
blocks from his daughter, my grandmother Sarah. One day Sarah got word
that her father was not only about to be evicted, but was about to be
committed to a mental institution.
When she got to the boarding house, my great-grandfather was shaking
and drooling. She looked at her dad and said,”Pop, Do you want to come
live with me?” Her dad inquired, “Do you have the room?” She replied,
“We’ll make room.” So, my great-grandfather moved in with his daughter
and her children.
According to my mother, a few days after that incident, the boarding
house and landlady disappeared. There had been no explosion, it was not
torn down, not moved. It simply vanished as if it never existed.
London Time Slip – Ronnie M.
Ronnie met children who seemed to be from an earlier time. Kirn Vintage Stock / Getty Images
I live in London and it was late October, 1969, and I was walking
home late one Saturday night. I had to walk through an underpass, which
was under the busy North Circular Road. It was cold and late and I was
surprised to see about five kids down there collecting pennies for the Guy,
being as firework night, 5th November, was soon. These kids should not
have been out that late, seeing as the oldest was a girl aged about 12
years old and the others younger.
What shocked me were their clothes. Their attire made me think they
had come straight out of 1920s or 1930s London. Their speech could have
been taken straight from a Charles Dickens‘
novel. I heard one young boy say, “That other gent gave me a florin.”
At his age there is no way he could have known what a florin was, an old
English coin for the then two shillings.
This was the late 1960s and kids certainly didn’t use words like “gent” anymore. “Geezer” or “bloke” perhaps.
The girl approached me saying, “Evening sir, penny for the Guy,
please, sir?” Her politeness shocked me, but I said I hadn’t any money.
She slid her arm through mine and she ran her hand down my sleeve
saying, “Yes you do, sir. You are a fine gent. You do have money.” I
assured her I hadn’t and I expected a rude mouthful, but she replied,
“Ok, thank you, sir. You have a good evening, sir.”
I knew I had to give these kids something, so I pulled a silver
sixpence from my pocket and called her. I threw her the coin and she
gave me a thank you and a beaming smile. I walked off into the night.
This experience bugged me bad. Who were those kids from the past? I
asked local people if any kids were killed there during WW2, but nobody
remembered. Did I meet ghosts? Kids from the past? I guess I will never
Lost Time in Ohio – Douglas
Douglas and his dad lost time and had a horrible experience in a rental house. Paul Taylor / Getty Images
This story takes place in Austintown, Ohio on Route 76 back in 1981. I
was 20. Dad asked me if I wanted to look at a house that was for rent.
The next morning we went to his mom’s house at 5:00 for some coffee. She
asked what we were doing out so early. Dad told her that we were
meeting a realtor at at 6:00. At 5:30, we left getting to the house a
couple minutes before 6.
As we pulled in the drive, we noticed the yard had not been cared
for. The house was a rectangular two-story dwelling with front windows
only on the second floor. As we got out of the van, it was a quiet, calm
day except for two kids laughing in the back yard. We figured it was
the neighbor kids from across the street. As we approached the back of
the house, there was a swing set with two swings. They were swinging in
opposite directions with nobody on them. There was laughter of a boy and
a girl. Another quick glance and the swings were still. Dad asked if I
had seen that. I had.
We proceeded back to the side of the house. We passed the garage. It
had two wooden doors with small glass panes. We looked in the window.
The garage had a dirt floor and was empty. We walked up to the side
porch. The door was unlocked so we went inside.
Dad turned on the switch, but no lights came on. I tried a few with no
luck. The inside of the house was weird. There was a large room with
doorways branching off. The living room was like none I had ever seen.
It was about 10×40 with no windows except for the small one in the door.
I went back into where dad was. He was trying to open the basement
door, which was locked. Dad asked if I was ready to go. Instead of
leaving, he went into the living room and stared out the front door
window for about three or four minutes. I was about to go upstairs when I
got an eerie feeling. So, I stayed in the main area.
Dad then came out and asked if I was ready to go again. At that
point, dad made the remark that we hadn’t tried that door. We had. It
was the locked basement door. He turned the knob and the door opened.
The hair on the back of my kneck stood up. Now I was getting scared. Dad
flipped the light switch and it came on. I was wondering why the other
lights didn’t come on earlier. Dad proceeded to go down the steps, but I
was leary. I went down. The basement was small. There was an old
wringer washer with a loaded revolver on the lid. It was like the silver
and ivory-handled cap guns that kids use today. I picked it up four
inches off the lid and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a light cord
moving. The lights went out and the door slammed shut. It was so dark
you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. I felt aimlessly for
my dad. Holding his shirt, we went up the stairs. At the top, he stopped
and let out a blood-curdling scream. It made my blood run cold. I
pushed him and he pushed the door open. All the lights were on and it
was dark outside.
After jumping in the van, dad turned the headlights on. The garage
doors were open. There was a lamb lying on the dirt floor with its
throat slashed, jerking violently. Blood was running into the dirt.
When we arrived back at my grandmother’s, it was 2:30 a.m. She asked
where we had been all day. We had lost 21 hours in five minutes time in
the basement. Later, we drove past the house and all the doors were shut
and the lights were out. When I would ask dad about what he had seen,
he would cuddle in the corner and shake like a kid crying. To this day, I
don’t know what he saw and I don’t want to know. Since he has passed
away, I will never know.
When I went back in 1987, to see if the house was still there, it was
boarded up. There was a large FBI sign on the house stating that for
your own safety, stay out.
Dimensional Shift on the Hutchinson – Kathleen S.
She vanished before the patrol officer could give her a ticket. avid_creative / Getty Images
This happened in 1986 in New York on the road between White Plains
and the Throgs Neck Bridge. I was travelling the road one afternoon on
my way home from White Plains to Bayside, Queens. The journey required
me to travel the Hutchinson River Parkway, pay a 25-cent toll, and cross
the Throgs Neck Bridge.
The road before the entrance to the Hutchinson River Parkway was
confusing. It was easy to miss the exit. I remember nervously looking at
the 25 cents on the tray of my Volvo, wishing the toll would come
sooner than it did so I could be on my way.
That is when I missed the exit. I travelled about half a mile beyond
it, and then in a panic, I decided to back up on the highway and see if I
could get the exit after all. I backed up with oncoming traffic behind
me, swerving the car to the shoulder to make the exit amid beeping and
skidding, but I attained the exit with no damage.
Just as I reached the Hutchinson River Parkway and got on it, I heard
the siren. It was a highway patrol car coming after me. I figured he
witnessed my crazy driving move.
As I pulled over, I looked in the rear view mirror. The policeman
that was getting out of the patrol car was the scariest one I had ever
seen. Never mind the boots and the hat and the sunglasses, he just
looked completely mean. I looked down at my lap and said out loud, “Dear
God, I’d rather be anywhere but here.”
I went into my pocketbook to get my license, and when I looked up, my
car and I were sitting on the side of the entrance to the Throgs Neck
Bridge — well beyond the Hutchinson River Parkway, which I hadn’t driven
yet. The 25 cent toll was still on the tray in my car.
I had this funny feeling that I was frozen and I did feel stiff, so I
flexed my wrists, rubbed my eyes and looked again. I was still on the
entrance to the bridge — a good 20 miles beyond the Hutchinson River
Parkway. In order for this to happen, my car and I would have had to
have been lifted in the air and placed back down 20 miles up the road.
After sitting for about 20 minutes in shock, I put the car in gear
and drove over the bridge. Just beyond the bridge was my neighborhood. I
always wondered what the cop saw. Did he see me vanish? Did it just
“un-happen” for him? I will never know.
The KJV Only movement is a belief on the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible - also known as the Authorised Version (AV) or the Authorised King James Version (AKJV) - that ranges from preferring it over other, later translations, to the belief that it's inspired, perfect, and superior to the original Hebrew & Greek texts, and that all other translations are intentionally corrupt, satanic, and unreliable. The former is of course entirely a matter of personal preference & opinion, and you won't hear criticism of it from me. The latter on the other hand... well, that's the focus of this article. First, some historic background (although most will be at least partly familiar with it: following his coronation as King of England and Ireland in 1604, King James I (VI of Scotland) commissioned a new translation of the Bible into English. The project was handed over to committees - each of which translated a separate portion of the Bible - which separately compl...
You will find in the Bible and in innumerable ancient legends references to giant; humanoids who were (often much) taller (and stronger) than normal. (Gigantism – where a person is abnormally large, but weak – is entirely different.) They often have a supernatural origin, the result of a union between supernatural beings and human women. The Bible calls them the Nephillim and Rephaim. The Greeks called them the Titans. They don’t fit into Evolution, and so are generally regarded as myths. However, there is direct evidence – PHYSICAL evidence – that they were (and probably still are) very real. The following is an article titled Traces of Giants Discovered Worldwide from Tales from Out There: The skeletons of giants were removed; whenever a new one appears the bones are quickly removed; they are carried far away to big hangars hidden from the public eye or are destroyed. The Smithsonian Institute has admitted in court tha...
Well, today (in Australia) is Christmas Day. Quite possibly THE most popular holiday in the world (although the media’s trying to make horrid Halloween more and more popular). For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you’re having/have a great day. For those of you (like me) for whom it’s just another normal day (and no, that’s not “legalistic”), I hope you’re having/have a great day. Although it’s become lost in modern consumerism, Christmas is claimed to be a celebration of Christ’s birthday – although it’s generally agreed that He wasn’t born on that day. Some of you might remember my post Christmas , in which I argued that it is an appropriated pagan festival (see Deuteronomy 12:30-31, Matthew 5, and Does the Torah Still Apply? ). However, I have since discovered that some of the claims are false. “False” as in I’m seriously questioning my view of Christmas as a pagan festival. I’m going to go through each incorrect (or only partially correct...
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