Good Friday

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Today is Good Friday – in Australia, at least; it’s still the day before in some parts of the world.  Today, many Christians celebrate and remember Yehoshua ha’Mashiach/Jesus the Christ’s death by crucifixion on a Friday, and His resurrection 3 days later on a Sunday.
BUT – it’s all a myth.  No, Yeshua’s crucifixion and resurrection is absolutely NOT a myth in any way, shape or form – nor is it “non-literal”, as some absurdly claim.  However, the tale of “Good Friday” is a myth.  Allow me to elaborate.
The Bible is clear that Jesus was raised on a Sunday.  More specifically, Saturday night.  And since in Biblical times days were counted from sunset to sunset, what we call Saturday night was in fact Sunday – or to use the Biblical phrase, “first day of the week”.  (There was no “Sunday sunrise resurrection”; it was during the night.)  And it…
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