Restored English Translation of Esther: Chapter 13
Today, I present my Restored English Translation (RET) on the 13th chapter of the Megillat Ester, otherwise known as the Book of Esther. As usual, it contains the Hebrew names, with a glossary of them at the end.
You WON’T find most of this chapter in most Protestant, Jewish or Messianic Bibles; it’s in the earliest manuscripts & manuscript traditions of Esther in existence – all evidence points towards its authenticity – but it was rejected by Rabbinic Judaism (the continuation of the Pharisees) in the centuries after Christ (for some obscure reason) and excluded from the (rather late) Masoretic Text, and for that reason rejected by modern Protestantism and its offshoots. See Restored English Translation of Esther: Chapter 1 and The Canon of Scripture, Part 1: The Apocrypha.
Achashverosh – Ahasuerus
Hodu – India
Kush – Cush/Ethiopia
ELOHIM – God(s)
Hammedata – Hammedatha
Parsi – Persian
Mordekai – Mordecai
Ester – Esther
Parsim – Persians
Yehudim – Jews
Shushan – Susa
Torot – Torahs, Laws, Instructions
EL SHADDAI – God Almighty
You WON’T find most of this chapter in most Protestant, Jewish or Messianic Bibles; it’s in the earliest manuscripts & manuscript traditions of Esther in existence – all evidence points towards its authenticity – but it was rejected by Rabbinic Judaism (the continuation of the Pharisees) in the centuries after Christ (for some obscure reason) and excluded from the (rather late) Masoretic Text, and for that reason rejected by modern Protestantism and its offshoots. See Restored English Translation of Esther: Chapter 1 and The Canon of Scripture, Part 1: The Apocrypha.
1 “The great king Achashverosh to the
princes and governors of the 127 provinces from Hodu to Kush, and to all
our faithful subjects, greeting. 2 Many people, the more often they are
honoured with the great bounty of their gracious princes, the more
proud they become, 3 and endeavour to hurt not only our subjects, but
not being able to bear abundance, do take in hand to practise also
against those that do them good; 4 and take not only thankfulness away
from among men, but also lifted up with the glorious words of lewd
persons, that were never good, they think to escape the justice of
ELOHIM, who sees all things and hate evil. 5 And often many of those who
are set in places of authority have been made in part responsible for
the shedding of innocent blood, and have been involved in irremediable
calamities, by the persuasion of friends who have been entrusted with
the administration of public affairs; 6 beguiling with the falsehood and
deceit of their lewd disposition the innocency and goodness of kings. 7
Now you may see this, as we have declared, not so much by ancient
histories, as you may, if you search what has been wickedly done of late
through the pestilent behaviour of them that are unworthily placed in
authority. 8 And we must take care for the time to come, that our
kingdom may be quiet and peaceable for all men, 9 both by changing our
purposes, and always judging things that are evident with more equal
proceeding. 10 For Haman, a Macedonian, the son of Hammedata, being
indeed a stranger from the Parsi blood, and far distant from our
goodness, and as a stranger received of us, 11 had so far obtained the
favour that we show toward every nation, as that he was called our
father, and was continually honoured of all the next person to the king.
12 But he, not bearing his great dignity, went about to deprive us of
our kingdom and life, 13 and with intricate craft and deceit asked for
the destruction of Mordekai, our savior and perpetual benefactor, and of
Ester, the blameless partner of our kingdom, together with their whole
nation. 14 For by these means he thought, finding us destitute of
friends, to have translated the kingdom of the Parsim to the
Macedonians. 15 But we find that the Yehudim, whom this wicked wretch
has delivered to utter destruction, are no evildoers, but live by most
just laws, 16 and that they be children of the Most High and Most Mighty
living ELOHIM, Who has ordered the kingdom both to us and to our
progenitors in the most excellent manner. 17 For this reason you will do
well not to put in execution the letters sent to you by Haman the son
of Hammedata. 18 For he who was the worker of these things, is hanged at
the gates of Shushan with all his family, ELOHIM, Who rules all things,
speedily rendering vengeance to him according to his deserts. 19
Therefore you will publish the copy of this letter in all places, that
the Yehudim may freely live after their own Torot. 20 And you will aid
them, that even the same day, being the 13th day of the 12th month Adar,
they may be avenged on them, who in the time of their affliction will
set upon them. 21 For EL SHADDAI has turned to joy for them the day in
which the chosen people should have perished. 22 You will therefore keep
it as a high day among your solemn feasts with all feasting, 23 that
both now and after this there may be safety to us and the well affected
Parsim; but to those who do conspire against us a memorial of
destruction. 24 Therefore every city and country which will not do
according to these things will be destroyed without mercy with fire and
sword, and will be made not only unpassable for men, but also most
hateful to wild beasts and birds forever.” 25 The copy of the writing
for a royal edict to be given in every individual province was revealed
to all the peoples, and that the Yehudim should be ready against that
day to avenge themselves on their enemies. 26 So the runners who rode on
animals and mules went out, being hurried and pressed on by the King’s
command. And the decree was given at Shushan the palace. 27 And Mordekai
went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and
white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen
and purple. And the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad. 28 For the
Yehudim it was light, and gladness, and joy, and honour. 29 And in every
province, and in every city, wherever the king’s command and his edict
came, the Yehudim had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many
of the people of the land became Yehudim, for the fear of the Yehudim
fell upon them.
GlossaryAchashverosh – Ahasuerus
Hodu – India
Kush – Cush/Ethiopia
ELOHIM – God(s)
Hammedata – Hammedatha
Parsi – Persian
Mordekai – Mordecai
Ester – Esther
Parsim – Persians
Yehudim – Jews
Shushan – Susa
Torot – Torahs, Laws, Instructions
EL SHADDAI – God Almighty
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