The Time America Almost Had Affordable Healthcare
The United States’ healthcare system is notoriously broken, and ludicrously expensive. It’s the only for-profit healthcare system remaining among the world’s developed nations. Every other developed country has instituted taxpayer-funded universal healthcare, largely (in many cases entirely) eliminating medical bills, and ensuring that citizens aren’t made choose between bankruptcy and dying like some in the US. But dare suggest that in America, and you’ll be greeted by cries of “BuT tHaT’s SoCiAlIsM!” from the ignorant and from Big Pharma (“socialism” being the political scare word in the US for anything Republicans don’t like, shutting off reason and debate – never mind that America doesn’t have a single socialist politician, or a major socialist party). (If you want to know what socialism is, don’t ask an American. They correctly get the fact that unfettered socialism is bad, and then incorrectly label everything they don’t like “socialist”, thus greatly ...