
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Forgotten Jews, Part 2

This would have been part of the original post, but I clean forgot about it!  There are other descendants of Judah's son Perez that have been forgotten: the Ethiopian Jews, specifically the Royal Family. There is a rather enigmatic figure mentioned in the Bible in connection with King Solomon: the Queen of Sheba.  She has remained a mystery.  Or is she? Many people wonder where the land of Sheba was.  However, there are two vital clues: our Messiah Yehoshua Himself described this woman as "queen of the south" (Matthew 12: 42), while Josephus described her as the "queen of Egypt and Ethiopia" (Antiquities 8.6.2 (8.159) and 8.6.5 (8.165)).  Ethiopian tradition confirms this.  (They also have many other interesting details.)  According to the Ethiopians, her name was Makeda.  She converted to Judaism during her visit.  She apparently had a sexual affair with Solomon, for she became pregnant with his child.  His name was Menelik (also kn...

The Forgotten Jews

At first, this title may seem very confusing.  I mean, we know who the Jews are, right?  And you'd be partly right; the Jews - who they are, where they live (e.g. State of Israel, America, etc) are widely known.  But they are only some of the Jews (and yes, they ARE Jews; in a later post I will refute the myth that they are not).  They represent the descendants of Judah's sons Shelah and Perez (albeit not all of Perez's descendants, as I will cover in this article).  Judah had other sons, and other descendants. Okay, I'd better back up and provide a bit of background.  Judah, son of Jacob (Israel) and Leah, married a Canaanite woman.  They had three sons: Er, Onan and Shelah.  Er and Onan died childless, and their widow Tamar (who married Onan after Er's death) was promised to Shelah - when he grew up.  That didn't happen, Tamar dressed up as a prostitute, seduced Judah, and became pregnant with twins.  These were Perez and Zerah....

What is up with Microsoft?

My younger sister has had trouble getting onto her emails in the past couple of days because Microsoft blocked her, saying there had been "unusual activity" on her emails and forced her to get a new security code.  It just so happens that only myself, my parents and one other girl (who DOES NOT know her passoword and who WOULD NOT try anything like that) know about her email!  And her password is impossible to guess!  I've heard it 2 or 3 times, but I still can't remember it!  (and I have a pretty good memory, too.)  In other words, Microsoft's claims are bloody bullshit!  Just another way for THEM to get more control.  And they're targeting the younger people (my sister's 15!).  And no-one would be interested in her email anyway.  What a bloody disgrace